I'm originally from Barcelona, Spain, and I first got into photography in the early 2000s when my dad bought our first digital camera for the family. I started out started exploring with that very basic camera by mostly taking pictures of landscapes and some “product photography”. As I upgraded my gear, I tried my hand at animal photography, and discovered that I also really enjoyed travel photography.
At the beginning of my photography journey I was obsessed with getting the “perfect postcard shot”. Later I realized that, while those shots might be technically “perfect”, most of them are empty and don’t tell a story. That’s when I started adding more people to my shots. This resulted in my current style, mixing travel and street photography, capturing people in their spontaneous day-to-day lives in a way that is visually interesting. My work has also been characterized by impactful geometrical compositions, uncommon framings, and perspective compression with the help of zoom lenses.
My work has been featured in a few magazines, and I've even had a couple of small exhibits of my photos. I’ve also won some photography awards, which felt very rewarding.
I plan to keep experimenting with interesting perspectives, symmetry, and capturing people in interesting and visually-interesting ways.
Photography has been my most consistent and rewarding hobby. No matter what's going on in my life, taking pictures always brings me joy and a sense of purpose. I hope to keep it up for as long as I can.